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True Worshipers

Writer's picture: Devin OtteDevin Otte

But the hours coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship him.

John 4:23

Worship is a lifestyle. Yet, when many people think of the word worship, they think of a specific time in church where people sing songs. This is even called "worship" in most churches. But worship is not just singing songs. Worship is an action of heart that is connected to God. Worship is a moment-by-moment process of bringing our will and our lives in tune with the God of the universe. Then, every thought, every word, and every moment is an act of worship where we give honor and praise to God.

It is so important that we understand that worship does not happen with just our lips. Praise and worship time was happening in Jesus time too. The religious leaders would pray long prayers and they could sing the entire Old testament! But Jesus said that they worshipped God in vain because the praise of their lips didn't go along with the intention of their hearts.

Jesus had to address this issue with the woman at the well. When he begin to teach her about himself, she got religious. She brought up the great debate the Jews and Samaritans argued over: "Where is the right place to worship God?" It was the same debate then as it is now. Jesus didn't even get involved with that debate. He just gave her solution to the problem: Himself. He told her that those things that were being held up as great places of worship were no longer going to matter. What was going to matter was worshiping God the way he wanted: in spirit and in truth.

God is always wanted us to worship in spirit and truth. When David sinned against God he prayed "You desire truth in the inward parts." God wants our hearts right before him. We are called to pour out our heart before him (Psalm 62:8); and lift up our hearts to the Lord (Lamentations 3:41). We must approach God in truth and that truth is in Jesus. He said, "I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6) He is the answer. He is the Big Change in worship. Worshiping God through Jesus Christ was the mystery of the Old testament that was revealed in New testament. Special places and special people were no longer going to be necessary to come to him because Jesus is the Way.

True worship is an action of love. And life is transformed by that kind of worship. We love him because he first loved us. And we worship him because we adore him. This worship is the worship of a thankful and grateful heart that is taken itself off the throne and gladly placed on the throne of our lives Jesus as Lord. When we go through life with that spirit of worship, then light becomes a grand adventure of God's amazing grace, power, and care so that we find ourselves falling in love with him over and over again. That is True Worship.

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