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Jesus is Praying for Me?

There is a record of an incredible prayer in John 17. It is a beautiful, inspiring prayer offered by Jesus for his disciples, and for all “those who will believe in [him] through their word” (John 17:20). Which, of course, is us.

Amazing, isn’t it? That Jesus prays for us? Just stop and think about that for a moment. If we truly take the time to allow the enormity of that truth to sink in, amazing doesn't quite capture the concept.

It is such a gift and blessing to be prayed for. I know that I personally appreciate everyone who prays for me, and I consider it a privilege and calling to remember you in my prayers also.

Prayer is a remarkable gift, because it opens us up to God’s promises, it invites God to help us and those for whom we are praying.

Prayer is heard by God; which means that every time we pray, or are prayed for, something quite wonderful happens. I believe that.

Again, a moment of pause is not out of order to focus our thoughts on this incredible concept: the creator & sustainer of everything, listens to your voice!

But today, we are reminded that Jesus actually prays for us. Wait... what?? What better gift is there? And not only that, but we get to actually listen in on this prayer. John heard this prayer and faithful recorded it, so we actually know what Jesus was praying for. 

It is a long and beautiful prayer, but it can be a little confusing. So I want to break down into a few key pieces throughout this week, and help us to better understand exactly what Jesus is praying for, when He prays for us.

For now, I would love to hear your thoughts on the fact that Jesus was/is/will lift you up in prayer. Let me know in the comments below.

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