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Holy Week Day 2: Jesus in His House

Writer's picture: Devin OtteDevin Otte

O LORD, our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth, ... Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants You have ordained strength, because of your enemies.

Psalm 8:1-2

Day number two of Holy week finds Jesus in the Temple of Jerusalem. He had just come into town on a foal of a donkey fulfilling the prophecy of Zechariah 9:9 and the people had been shouting "Hosanna!" which means "Save Now!"

It is fitting for the King to visit His house when he comes home. Jesus went into the temple and found people who were trying to make a profit through dishonest means. He got angry with righteous anger. Jesus didn't like it that His house was full of thieves. When people are being hurt there can be no true ministry of love. He confronted them and told them that His Father's house was to be a place of connection to God and not a place of robbery. He drove those dishonest people out of the temple.

Then Jesus displayed His glory. He began to heal people! He began to cure people! With power and authority Jesus showed them just what the house of God was supposed to be--a place of healing, praise, and prayer! Then children began to lift up their voices with shouts of praise, "Hosanna to the Son of David!" What were they saying? Exactly what Jesus had been saying all along. I AM the One! I am the Messiah! I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life! The children were saying exactly what the adults should have been saying.

The religious leaders didn't get it. Instead of repenting and falling down on their knees in worship and praise because the King of Heaven was present, they got mad. They stayed in their blindness because they loved the darkness rather than the light. (John 3:19-20). They rebuked Jesus for letting the children cry out. However, Jesus again lovingly tried to help the religious leaders see that the children were doing exactly what they were supposed to be doing. Jesus shared the very passages of Scripture that they had memorized but didn't understand. Out of the mouth of babes, You have perfected praise (Psalm 8:2).

Jesus is the Hope of Israel. He is the One who will take away the sin of the world. Let us worship with the children and be thankful to the Son of David for coming into the temple of our lives and helping us to make it a place of healing, praise and prayer.

Blessings to You!

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