For a while, I have to admit, I was jealous of others' seasons of life. The Lord has been teaching me just how perfect His timing is by helping me to slow down and be intentional about where I am.
To be completely honest, it has been hard for me to see those around me walk through seasons that I deeply long for. It's not that I'm not excited for them and their journey, but as human beings, and especially in the day and age where we can pretty much get anything we want instantly, it can be a struggle.
God has been teaching me to take my life one day at a time and to understand that He is working out His perfect plan in His perfect timing. Again, intentionality is the word that comes to my mind and that I have been meditating on.
"Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is." - Ephesians 5:5-17 I love what verse 16 says here: making the best use of the time.
Instead of being frustrated about where my life is at, I've decided to be thankful for the current season I am in, and relinquish to God's plan those seasons of life that I long for.
Seeking His face and running after God has truly revealed things about my heart and its longings in relation to His plan. I believe He's outlined a lot of what my life will look like, and in doing so, has begun to prepare my heart for these things.
Not only is He preparing and changing my heart in ways, but also closing and opening doors.
God is teaching me that even if others don't understand, it's okay to take a step of faith and be intentional. Being obedient is important.
Taking steps of faith requires obedience regardless of others' understanding or lack thereof. God doesn't call us to be obedient based on others' understandings or personal convictions. He calls us to be obedient regardless of others' misunderstandings, confusion, and lack of conviction in the same area. He calls us to be obedient to His Word -- always.