But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
Matthew 6:33
When Jesus started His ministry, He preached a short sermon: "Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." (Matthew 3:2) He was letting people know that the very kingdom of God which they so earnestly wanted and desired was with them at that very moment. The were looking for an outward visible representation of the Kingdom of God. Jesus told them that the they needed far more than an outward, visible representation of the kingdom of God. They needed to have a heart change that would change their whole perspective on life.
It is still the same for us. We are often caught up in the kingdom of humanity. The kingdom of this world says, "Do you!" "Get yours now!" or "If it feels good, do it!" That is the self perspective that causes us to miss out on the very things God has for us. God is calling us to be partakers of His kingdom. When we become Christ followers, we become part of the kingdom of God. We become Kingdom seekers and Kingdome builders. The focus of our whole life changes.
Jesus had already talked about not being worried or spending our whole lives stressing about what we should wear and eat. (Matthew 6:25-32) As children of God, we understand that God has a wonderful plan for our lives. He doesn't want to sit around and then say "God feed me." That is not faith, it's laziness. He wants us to work and to provide for our families. Yet while we are doing that, He wants our focus to shift from this temporary life that we live to the eternal life that is before us. He wants us to realize that the Kingdom of God is within us (Luke 17:21) and that we are Kingdom representatives. We are called the Kings ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:17-21.
This is when we realize that there is a more important goal than a 401K retirement fund. There are people out there that need our love, that need our service, that need the kingdom of God presented to them in a relationship with Jesus Christ. That is what it means to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness. That is when we are laying up for ourselves treasures in Heaven and becoming the people who live the Kingdome Life.
Blessings to you!