Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content.
Philippians 4:11

We are all looking to be fulfilled, content and happy in life. Unfortunately, looking for contentment in the abundance of the things that we possess never fulfills, never satisfies, and never connects us to God and others. That is Chasing after the Wind.
In today's passage the Apostle Paul is writing a letter from inside prison. And he tells the people in Philippi that he has learned to be content no matter what he has. He goes on to tell them that he been blessed with much at times and others times he didn't have much. He then that no matter what he had, he was fulfilled because he was dependent on Christ. He stated it like this, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13) We often say that verse in so many different contexts that we forget that Paul is using it here to talk about his fulfillment in life.
Paul was fulfilled in His relationship with Christ. He was dependent on Christ when things were going well and when things were not going so well (2 Corinthians 12:9-12). He had learned the secret of being content. The secret was not in getting more stuff. It was in learning to be grateful for what God provides and to trust that God has us right where He wants us to be. He has something for us to learn or to do in every situation.
That is the secret of living a fulfilled life. When we are trusting God, we will find ourselves living the adventure that is far beyond the humdrum of just living. We will see His hand at work in our lives and see His hand moving us into the lives of others not matter where we are--in prison or in church--in our homes or in our jobs. Let's reach out with the attitude of faith and ask God to help us learn to content with who He is and what He provides in our lives.
Blessings to you!