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Weekly Study Resources

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His Plan

Day 1
Pray that the Lord would help us consider how we can use
our words to speak into the lives of other, messages that
align with God’s plan.


Day 2
Ask God to help you to use your words wisely to bless and
encourage others, considering the individuality of each


Day 3
Pray that God would remind us of the promises He has for
each of us, believing He will bring them to fruition in His
own perfect timing.


Day 4
Help us, Lord, to understand that You have a plan for our
lives. Help us to be obedient to your great commission. Use
our lives, the lives of our families and our church to make
the glory of Jesus known to all people, both near and far.


Day 5
Exalt Him today as the Lion of Judah, the Lamb who was
slain, who paid the price so that we may know Him and
worship Him forever.

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Source of Life

Day 1
When God spoke to Jacob and instructed him not to be
afraid to leave Canaan and go to Egypt, Jacob obeyed. Lord,
help us to be faithful and obedient when you speak to us.


Day 2
When Joseph arrived in Goshen, he embraced his father,
Jacob, and wept. God will bring reconciliation and reunion
to those who are faithful and place their trust in Him. Let’s
praise Him and thank Him for those that occur in this
present time and also for the reunion that awaits us in


Day 3
God told Jacob that He would multiply his descendants and
make him a multitude of nations. God’s plan for us is far
bigger than the scope of our short lives on earth. What God
does in our lives will have ramifications beyond our
lifetime. Remind us of that, Lord, as we live daily for you.


Day 4
Before Jacob blessed Manasseh and Ephraim, he received
his own blessing from seeing them. Jacob said to Joseph, “I
never thought I would see your face again, but now God has
let me see your children, too.” God blesses us beyond our

expectations. Fill our hearts with gratitude, heavenly father,
for the many blessings you bestow.


Day 5
Jacob passed on a godly legacy to his family. Ask God to
help you live your life as a faithful servant of our savior,
leading others to Jesus. And give thanks to God for the
promise of our inheritance of heaven.

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Day 1
When God spoke to Jacob and instructed him not to be
afraid to leave Canaan and go to Egypt, Jacob obeyed. Lord,
help us to be faithful and obedient when you speak to us.


Day 2
When Joseph arrived in Goshen, he embraced his father,
Jacob, and wept. God will bring reconciliation and reunion
to those who are faithful and place their trust in Him. Let’s
praise Him and thank Him for those that occur in this
present time and also for the reunion that awaits us in


Day 3
God told Jacob that He would multiply his descendants and
make him a multitude of nations. God’s plan for us is far
bigger than the scope of our short lives on earth. What God
does in our lives will have ramifications beyond our
lifetime. Remind us of that, Lord, as we live daily for you.


Day 4
Before Jacob blessed Manasseh and Ephraim, he received
his own blessing from seeing them. Jacob said to Joseph, “I
never thought I would see your face again, but now God has
let me see your children, too.” God blesses us beyond our

expectations. Fill our hearts with gratitude, heavenly father,
for the many blessings you bestow.


Day 5
Jacob passed on a godly legacy to his family. Ask God to
help you live your life as a faithful servant of our savior,
leading others to Jesus. And give thanks to God for the
promise of our inheritance of heaven.

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Day 1

Joseph remained faithful and trusted God through many trials, even when he didn’t understand. Help us, Lord, to show the same kind of courage and humility in the work you have given us to do.


Day 2

Pharaoh gave Joseph a golden opportunity to glorify himself as he interpreted Pharaoh's dream. But, Joseph refused to take the credit and instead glorified God. Pray that we would always give God the glory for how He works in and through us.


Day 3

Ask God to reveal to you the areas in your life that you may have allowed pride to keep you from humbling yourself before Him.


Day 4J

Joseph says in vs. 52 that God has made him fruitful in the land of his affliction. When we place our hope and trust in God, even affliction is fruitful. Pray that God would take the trials and afflictions in our lives, and that through them there would be much fruit for His glory, and He would be lifted up.


Day 5

Let’s focus today on giving thanks to God for His faithfulness in providing for the needs of His people.

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Day 1
By trusting in God’s plan, Joseph went from prison to
palace. Help us and encourage us, Lord, to understand that
our setbacks can pave the way for greater opportunities
when we are guided by faith and perseverance.


Day 2
Even in our darkest moments, we must hold onto our
beliefs and remain patient for God’s plan to unfold. Help
us, Lord, to hold fast to the one in whom we place our trust
and be faithful followers as we wait.


Day 3
Just as Joseph used his gift of dream interpretation to help
others, remind us Lord, that our talents and abilities are
gifts that can and should be used to further Your kingdom.


Day 4
Focus today on God’s timing. Ask our heavenly father to
help us trust that He will work things out in His time,
knowing that He sees the whole picture and we only know
in part.


Day 5
Today, let’s lift up those who are facing difficulties,
uncertainty and walking through dark valleys. Pray that God
would provide for their needs and grant them wisdom and
strength. And, help us to be and encouragement and
support, always pointing them to Jesus.

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Day 1
Pray today that our lives would be so filled with God’s
presence that those around us can’t help but recognize His
love and grace, and the blessings he bestows upon us. Pray
that we would be a mirror to reflect His love and peace to
those who don’t know Him.


Day 2
When we find ourselves in the middle of trials and
tribulations, it can be difficult not to be filled with self-pity,
anger or hatred. Pray that we would instead, like Joseph,
remain faithful to God and that through our trials our
character would be refined and God’s faithfulness would be
put on display.


Day 3
Four different times in Genesis 39 scripture states that “the
Lord was with Joseph” (vs. 2,3,21 and 23), in very different
circumstances. Praise God today for the reality that the Lord
is with all who trust Him, whether we are on the
mountaintop or in the valley.


Day 4
Help us, Lord, to look beyond our circumstances and see
your presence with us, whether we are flourishing or facing
a battle.


Day 5
Our heavenly father sees everything clearly. He understands
what we do not. Thank Him that he doesn’t stand at a
distance from us, but longs to care for us and help us. Ask
Him to sustain you and build you up in faith and trust.

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Rejected & Sold

Day 1

Joseph’s story is evidence that God’s faithfulness is never-
ending. While we were yet sinners, God sent His son, that

we might not be cast down into the pit, but rise with Him to
everlasting life. Thank our heavenly father for sending Jesus
to save us from our sin.


Day 2
Ask the Lord to deliver us from any spirit of jealousy,
revenge, resentment or bitterness that may have
accumulated in our hearts from life or family situations.


Day 3
Ask God for an open heart so that we can place the turmoil
of the day into His hands. We can trust Him with our future
and not stress ourselves with our own sense of working out
all the details of what happens.


Day 4
Ask God to show us how to share truthfully and boldly the
things He has taught us. But, also how to be sensitive to
our hearers so that we don’t needlessly antagonize the very
people who most need to hear the truth we have to share
about Him.


Day 5

Pray today for peace rather than rivalry among family
members. Pray that God will soften our hearts so that we
will regard each other with love and compassion, helping
and lifting rather than destroying each other because of our
own desires for power and position.

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God's Providence

Day 1
Thank God today for being an all-knowing God who
orchestrates our journey. Thank Him for being a God who
can turn an evil intention into a beautiful story.


Day 2
The bullying behavior of Joseph’s brothers was transformed
into a precious picture of God’s protection and loving-care
of His people. Ask God to protect you from evil, and thank
Him that when troubles and hardships come our way, we
can trust Him implicitly. His grace is always sufficient.


Day 3
It would have been easy for Joseph to lose hope and
become bitter. But instead, he chose to trust in the Lord
and his faith remained strong. Pray that we, like Joseph,
would choose to believe God’s promises and trust that He is
always in control of our life.


Day 4
Acknowledge that His plans and purposes are greater than
our circumstances and even our understanding. Ask Him to
help you identify His hand at work in the unpleasant
seasons of your life.


Day 5
Pray today that we would not be discouraged by the
seasons and circumstances that may make us feel like we
are in a pit. Help us understand, Lord, that You are with us,
even in our pit, and that we can trust in your divine
providence and believe that you are working out your
perfect plan for our lives.

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